Summer at SCC

Our Summer Programs offer several opportunities for outdoor fun and activities that promise to make learning a joyful experience. Your children will enjoy a variety of sand and water activities, as well as joining together to celebrate different cultures. We will also include weekly Chapel and Bible stories to focus on learning God’s word. Children that are headed to Kindergarten in the fall will continue in the process of preparing for that transition.

Summer Registration

We've redesigned our Summer Program to be in compliance with current CDC recommendations and to maintain the health and safety of students, parents and staff.

Summer school is T, W, TH mornings 8:30 - 11:30am June 17th - July 24th. Eight-hour and Full Day programs run June 8th - August 1st and are available with special events like splash days and ice-cream making parties.

Registration opens March 3rd and priority is given to current and returning families. Space is limited. Register by June 6th.

Click here for Summer 2025 Rates.

See our Newsletter to the left for a complete guide to our 2025 Summer Program!

Vacation Bible School

This year a special session of Vacation Bible School will be held Monday-Friday from 9:00AM to 10:30AM for our preschoolers in the Sanctuary TBD.

Every child that is enrolled in our 8 Hour Program will automatically be registered in the VBS Program for the days the child attends.